Little Bindle

a little bag to bring along a snack
Closed Little Bindle (a small bag)

Little Bindle was designed in a time and place where having lunch or a snack has been reduced to a task. It is designed to turn an out of home snack into an enjoyable moment of relaxation.

It works much like a napkin, but can be closed to take your snack along. The two sides; one smooth micro-fibre, the other soft cotton like a napkin, can be printed with exciting patterns and custom branding making it great as collectible packaging for a snack.

This offered Pactics, a company manufacturing microfibre cloths, the perfect opportunity to enter the leisure and tourism market. Especially since, even though the product was brand new, it was designed to perfectly fit the company’s manufacturing capabilities.

Mood board showing 'comfortable suspense'

The interaction envisioned to change the experience of having a snack is one of comfortable suspense. Much like going to a concert or reading a book you love.

Little Bindle opened on desk
Little Bindle being put in bag

Bring it along

Little Bindle in hand

Take it out

Little Bindle being pulled open

Pull it open

Snack held above Little Bindle as a napkin/placemat

Eat your snack

Trash dropped on Little Bindle

Leave on any trash

Little Bindle tipped above trash can, trash falling in

Throw away trash

Little Bindle being put in washin machine

Wash in the machine

Little Bindle transforms from a bag to carry your snack to a place to eat it and then into a bag for your snack’s wrapper or peel. Occasionally washing it allows you to use it for years.

Prototype Prototype

Multiple prototypes and iterations were used to determine the optimal route for the cord. These were also used to improve opening, closing and use-cues through user testing.

Little Bindle in various colours

A simple but colourful check pattern, the result of an extensive colour study, best fits the vision. But anything can be printed, making for a perfect collectible or souvenir.