During rehabilitation after hip replacement surgery patients may experience social isolation. As they are physically impaired and cannot leave their home. Crutches come to define their identity.
Activities is a small online platform, with a user-facing app and website allowing its users to plan fitting activities togethers. By involving and “inviting” family and friends, offering inspiration and motivation, it encourages patients to enjoy their time rehabilitating. While at the same time diminishing issues such as social isolation and frustration.
The service is designed to help Biomet provide a more complete and pleasurable experience of the total hip replacement journey.

Activities’ goal is to get people together, even though one of them is physically impaired and home-bound.

The interaction envisioned to achieve this is one through hearty encouragement; a little like having some warm soup in a cold winter with family and friends around, re-energising, strengthening and providing some intimacy.

Flow charts were used during embodiment to create a simple application structure and usage research with a working prototype was used to evaluate design decisions.

The app’s two screens: “planning” and “plans” utilise cards to build activities. These were inspired by the idea of composing something using physical blocks or cards. With touch, this digital form retains much of that feel, resulting in a simple, playful and very visual interaction.